This is a lame effort to write something sensible despite the beastly weather.
They have been friends for quite sometime, she met her during her sophomore year in high school. He was wearing a white cap with the New York Knicks logo. It was raining then, and she was cutting classes as always. He had sad eyes, she was wearing glasses. He said “Hi”, she replied with a nod and that was the beginning. They became good friends.
He: “How was your day?”
She: “Fun.”
He: “Is that a euphemism for I drove someone crazy today?”
She: “Maybe.”
High school ended. On graduation day, he held her hand tight. She was reminiscent of the good times they had – the parties they crashed, the booze, the quiet moments they shared. And they parted ways.
And here comes college, she went through a lot of changes. No more parties, occasional drinking and she became fascinated with the idea of dating. He didn’t change a bit; he misses the quiet moments they shared before. They still meet for coffee every weekend.
He: “How’s college?”
She replied with a smile.
He: “I hear you’re dating someone, is that true?”
She: “Yes.”
He: “Do you like him?”
She: “I like him a lot.”
He kept quiet and stared at her eyes intently
He: “I have to go.”
The weekly coffee sessions ended, they exchanged Christmas cards. He changed his number, she stopped calling.
One rainy day, they ran into each other. They’re both grown-ups now. He is still wearing the same baseball cap and she is wearing glasses again.
She: “Hey, how’s it going?”
He: “Good. You?”
She: “I’m good, just got dumped last week, but im okay now.”
He just stared at her.
She: “Are you going somewhere?”
He: “I was. This is the only place I want to be…right here, right now.”
He held her hand tight.